F.A.R.M. Club,Newsletter









Next meeting: August 5th, 6PM Warren County Fairgrounds


From all reports the tractor ride was quite enjoyable, and went off almost too well (some miles were added to help fill the day because everyone was moving along quicker than expected). There were 49 participants (not all drivers) and they wound up driving 40 miles or so. We didn’t have a true sponsor or beneficiary this year but we donated $1000 to the abuse shelter and have some more set back to give to another charity/youth group.


Remember the Warren County Fair is next week, pulls are Friday the 20th. See the events listing below. IF ANYONE WANTS THE PEOPLE MOVER TO RIDE IN FOR THE PARADE TUESDAY AT THE FAIR PLEASE LET GENE BUSTLE KNOW ASAP!


Hopefully this weekend we’ll get the rains they talked about, right now in some spots north of here towards Wilmington it looks like fields of yucca plants. But as the seed dealer I work for says, we’re not ready to harvest yet (thank goodness for crop insurance, just hope we don’t need it)



7/17-21: Warren County Fair, Antique Pulls 7/20 10am, Truck & Tractor Pulls 7/20 6pm

7/22-28: Clermont County Fair, Antique Pulls 7/27 @ 10am

8/3-5: Stonelick Lake Show

End of August (Date Not Set For Sure): Club Picnic at Oeder’s Lake, info coming next newsletter


Any questions contact one of our directors.

Gene Bustle at 513-899-3008 or Margeneb@embarqmail.com

Russ Rolke at 513-248-2501 or RCR@FUSE.NET

Mike Lumley at 513-515-8613 or ihpapaw@yahoo.com


Until next month, same time, same channel J

Roger Walker, 513-256-5803 or wctractorguy@aol.com